DSCN9659Not only can Lausanne boast of a decent university library, but there are also great parks in the capital of the canton of Vaud

DSCN9661…some of which offer plenty of shade and a really pleasant and relaxing view with some lush greenery that contrasts nicely with the blue hues of Lake Léman*… [juː nice assonance, no?]

DSCN9665…plus a little touch of the hustle and bustle of the city life below in the form of joggers giving their legs and lungs a little bit of a challenge in what may well be Lausanne’s greatest ‘naturalscape’.   [Yes, I like alliterations, too: ‘l’ ]

A beautiful summer evening spent outdoors, what more can one ask?

PS As regards the books I read (mainly anthologies of articles relating to ecology), I think I must single out this title, which I found particularly appropriate to my own setting:

DSCN9663PS ‘Planet’ = Gaia again

*Not visible on this picture owing to the fact that I did not bother to fiddle with the exposure levels of my camera.
